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Visiting Faculty & Speciality staff

Visiting Faculty

Emmaus Swiss Hospital School encourages a Visiting Faculty Program to groom a new generation of students who can succeed in a globally integrated world. The visiting Faculty Program has developed a comprehensive preparation and support system for all participants to ensure the best experience possible.

A few guidelines followed for the visiting faculty program are

  • All schools should have at least one exchange teacher
  • All students should be exposed to variety of exchange teachers during their academic careers
  • All communities should have an equal opportunity to develop globally literate citizens to help build a foundation for success in the global marketplace.

Teachers are also given opportunities to improve their teachings skills and also upgrading their teaching methodologies by attending workshops conducted by the CISCE at various places.

Speciality Staff

Under the guidance of the Medical Director; Dr Auburn Jacob; along with help from doctors, trained physiotherapists, trained multi-disability workers and the external counselling agents help the special children who are mentally and physically challenged. Having a hospital with additional facilities and a fully equipped physiotherapy department has been advantageous for these children.